Resolution #223: Test This Books Claim To De-Clutter My Apartment In 28 Days...


Date: 8-11-2014

Due Date: 8-11-2015

Resolution: Since starting this whole resolution thing, I've gotten much better at keeping my place tidy and getting rid of things I don't need. That said, I still have a problem with all my little cubby holes.
I live alone so all the storage space is mine to hide my belonging that I plan to "get to later." (AKA leave things hidden until I forget about the space, let alone the clutter.)
I don't have a hoarder mentality; in fact, I love getting rid of stuff. I just don't have the time or a strategy to take care of these out of sight, out of mind belongings.
This book claims to have the solution to this problem and all it takes is ten minutes a day for twenty-eight days.

You know how I love this sort of challenge.

So, within the next year, I will buy this book and test its claim.


Result #223: I Put This Task Off Because Other Cleaning Resolutions Pretty Much Took Care Of My Cluttered Apartment… But… Now That Those Resolutions Are Done… I’m Back To Being A Slob Again…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 8-11-2015

At the time I set this resolution I was living in my apartment in Seattle. I was working on the resolution to clean my apartment at least once a week and was really into the idea of keeping the place tidy. I had already gotten rid of a lot of my belongings so I didn't have that much clutter to cope with.

Now, even though I still own the same stuff, I no longer have all the built-in storage to organize my belongings so it now comes across as clutter. I'm currently saving up to buy the furniture needed to store my stuff. Maybe once I buy said furniture I'll buy this de-clutter book to see if it will help me get to where I wanted to be in my apartment.

We'll see, since I'm living at home there's not a sense of permanence so it's hard to fully settle in. Maybe someday I'll be able to afford my tiny house in the middle of nowhere and set it up to be my dream abode.

As always, I'll keep you posted.